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Understanding and downloading GEO ARRAY data for Big Data Analysis


In this video I have discussed about publicly available data that can be used for the bioinformatics data analysis using BRB Array Analysis tool.

GEO stands for "Gene Expression Omnibus".It  is a public repository that archives and freely distributes high throughput gene expression data submitted by the scientific community. 

  • GEO currently stores approximately a billion individual gene expression measurements, derived from over 100 organisms.
  • It also addresses data science related issues.

The data in GEO can be queried using two NCBI Entrez databases:
Entrez GEO-DataSets 
  1. It provides an experiment-centric view of the data in GEO.
  2. Experiments of interest may be located by searching for attributes such as free text keywords, organism, and experimental variable information. 
  3. When a relevant DataSet is identified, that experiment can be further explored for gene expression profiles of interest.
Entrez GEO-Profiles 
  1. It provides a gene-centric view of the data in GEO. 
  2. Gene expression profiles of interest may be located by searching for attributes such as 
  • gene name
  • GenBank accession number 
  • SAGE tag
  • GEO accession number

For more details please watch my videos
Thank you


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