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Bioinformatics Analysis:Big Data in Disease Informatics(Part 1)

Disease Informatics: An Application of Bioinformatics to help the Biologists

In this video I've explained some of the solutions that are provided by the bioinformaticians to help the biologists. And how Big Data is important for the students of biology?


Any certain change that occurs in our DNA sequence, either due to mistakes when the DNA is copied or as the result of environmental factors such as UV light.

What kind of Mutations are possible?

  1. Missense Mutation
  2. Nonsense Mutation
  3. Insertion
  4. Deletion
  5. Duplication
  6. Frameshift Mutation
  7. Repeat Expansion
How Mutations can be a cause of any change in disease activity pathways?
An example to explain how data is integrated and we can get more information from it.
  • Activation of ONCOGENE.
  • Inhibition of TUMOR SUPPRESSOR gene.

  • A change in single nucleotide base are called as single base substitution.

DNA Copy Number Alterations

This figure is representing the AMPLIFICATIONS and DELETIONS taking place in the big genomic data of  23 chromosomes, that can be a cause of  tumor or any other disease.
You can watch more videos for further details.
Thank you


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