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Bioinformatics Analysis: Needleman Wunsch Algorithm

Demonstration of Needleman Wunsch Algorithm

In this tutorial I've explained how the sequence alignment works using Needleman Wunsch Algorithm.This algorithm was developed by Saul B.Needleman and Christian D Wunsch and  it was published in 1970.
Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

  1. A smart way to reduce the massive number of possibilities that need to be considered, yet still guarantees that the best solution will be found.
  2. The basic idea is to build up the best alignment by using optimal alignments of smaller subsequences.
  3. The Needleman-Wunsch algorithm is an example of dynamic programming, a discipline invented by Richard Bellma.
GOALS of Needleman Wunsch Algorithm

The main goal is to find out the similarity index among the closely related species.The purpose of this algorithm is to align the protein or nucleotide sequences.Similarities in the sequence are scored in the  matrix.This will also allows the detection of gaps in the sequence.

Drawback of Neddleman Wunsch Algorithm
Although Needleman Algorithm is too effective but it is slow for dealing with larger sequence database.

Watch the full videos for understanding the implementation of Needleman Wunsch Algorithm.
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