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Phylogenetic Analysis:Constructing a Phylogenetic Tree

A Tutorial for Generating a Phylogenetic Tree:Simplest and Comprehensive guide

As I have explained earlier in my last video,how to install a MEGA Software.Now moving to the next step that is generating a phylogenetic tree.So In this video,I am talking about how to generate a tree using this Software.

Step wise Representation for generating a Phylogenetic Tree

  • Acquiring the Sequences

MEGA5 opens its own browser window to show a BLAST page from National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) from where it gets the sequences.

  • Alligning the Sequence
The next step is allignment of the sequences that we have downloaded from NCBI in FASTA format.Two methods can be used for Multiple Sequence Allignment : 
  • Muscle

  •  Estimating a PhylogeneticTree

There are several widely used methods for estimating phylogenetic trees
  1. Neighbor Joining
  2.  UPGMA
  3.  Bayesian Inference
  4.  Maximum Likelihood ML
  • Presenting a Phylogenetic TREE

A drawing of a phylogenetic tree conveys a lot of information, both explicit and implicit.


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