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Showing posts from September, 2022

A Complete Guide for Autodock Vina

 Hello Everyone, In the following video we will explain how to use Autodock Vina for Molecular Docking. The video contains details about Downloading Installation Protein-Ligand Docking Tutorial

DeSeq - Differential Gene Expression Analysis on RNA-seq data - R Tutorial

 Deseq is one of the most commonly used package to calculate differential gene expression using R. In the following video, we using windows OS and R software to perform different expression analysis using DESEQ2 package. However, the same method can be performed on any of the following platforms:  Mac Windows Linux The following video will guide you through the steps of Deseq analysis.

Caculate gene expression with FeatureCounts - Step 7

 The final step is to calculate the gene expression values from the sorted indexed BAM file.  There are different ways to calculate the gene expression. However, here we will show FeatureCounts method to calculate the gene expression counts. The following video will guide you through the steps:  

Indexing BAM file using samtools - Step 6

 This is the second last step of processing RNA-seq files. Here we will show how the BAM files are indexed. The following video will guide you through the steps:  

FastQ to BAM - Align reads to the reference genome with STAR - Step 5

 The following video will guide you through the step of converting Fastq to BAM file: