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Showing posts from August, 2022

Trimming of FastQ file (Trimmomatic) - Step 4

The poor quality reads and potential adapter sequences present in your file can be removed using the trimmomatic algorithm. The following video will guide you through the process of how to remove the poor quality reads from your fastq file. #Adapater #Sequences #Linux #Ubuntu

FASTQ quality check (FastQC) - Step 3

 After generating the Fastq file, first thing you need to check is the quality. The following video will guide you through the process that how to check the quality of fastq files using FASTQC Algorithm. #Fastqc

Converting SRA into FASTQ file - SRA Tool kit - Step 2

 How to convert SRA into FASTQ file? Please see the video. #NGS #Sequencing #Datascience

Downloading sequencing data on windows - SRA Tool kit - Step 1

  This is the first part of the lecture series on analyzing sequencing data. The first step is to configure SRA Tool kit on your operating system. #NGS #Sequencing #SRA #Tool #Configuration

Easy guide to generate Heatmaps using R

 The attached video will explain you the step by step guide to build heatmaps Heatmap using R